deKay's Lofi Gaming

Alien Breed Special Edition ’92 (Evercade): COMPLETED!

I seem to remember this getting really good reviews upon original release, but I’m struggling to see how. I did look up some of them, and came across this incredible bit of art editor drunkenness from Amiga User International, which attempts to show the screen that comes up when you access a computer terminal, but fails, rather than any of the actual game itself. Incredible work. And also look out for some great whitespace issues: Anyway, that review also tells …

Bit.Trip Presents… Runner 2: Future Legend of Rhythm Alien (Wii U): COMPLETED!

As it turned out, I was still on World 4, and not World 5 as I though. Still, I was close to the end of World 4, and World 5 was indeed the final world, so I wasn’t that far from complete. Now I’m even less far from complete, having completed it. I may have mentioned it’s hard. Oh boy is it hard. I’m not sure it actually got harder on the final world (aside from throwing me a bit …

Bit.Trip Presents…Runner2: Future Legend of Rhythm Alien (Wii U)

Less than four pounds on the eShop? Don’t mind if I do, sir. Especially since I had eShop credit that I didn’t pay for. I liked the original Bit.Trip Runner, but it was so hard. I never got very far it – not even half way. It looked great and I loved the idea, but it was just too hard. This is also hard. Not quite too hard yet, and I’ve finished World 2 without as many fails as I was …

Attack of the Friday Monsters (3DS): COMPLETED!

This is another one of those “Guild” games – short, experimental titles that were originally in a compilation in Japan, but were released in the UK as separate digital only games. I’d been interested in getting it for a while as people had said it was a fun little story in a slightly bizarre setting, and I’m a fan of strange and obscure Japanese games. However, when it came out I had lots of other games to play and no …

Crysis 2 (360)

I decided to plod on with this some more, mainly because it wasn’t terrible and I’ve not got anything else on the go at the moment. I’m glad I did. Despite not really changing the formula all that much (aside from there being fewer soldiers to shoot and more aliens), somehow Crysis 2 has gone from mediocre to pretty actually fantastic. I’m not sure why. I am now drawn into the story, and often with me a decent story is …

Fallout 3: Mothership Zeta (360): COMPLETED!

Fallout New Vegas, the next Fallout game, is out soon. Just over a month, in fact. So I thought I’d best get back into Fallout 3 and mop up the two remaining DLC quests, the first of which being Mothership Zeta. I’d actually bought the downloads a while back, when they were on offer, but decided not to play them so that I could eke out the Fallout 3 “experience” over the course of the huge wait before New Vegas. …

Shadow Complex (360)

Two of my most favourite games serieseses ever: Castlevania and Metroid. Why do I mention them? Because Shadow Complex is just like them! OK, so it’s more modern day, and there are no aliens or vampires (yet, at least), but it’s the same mazey, upgradey, shooty platformy aceness! Hurrah!!

Alien Crush Returns (Wii): COMPLETED!

Bought, downloaded, played, and completed all in the space of 30 minutes. That’s not to say it’s rubbish, as it isn’t. It has issues (mainly in that some areas of some of the “tables” are too difficult to reach, and the swooping camera is sometimes too slow to keep up with the ball), and is short, but it’s fun. And pinball games aren’t all about the story mode, are they? No – it’s all score-chasing! Sadly, the online high score …

Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts Demo (360)

It’s not a Banjo-Kazooie game. It’s not a proper platformer, you have none of the abilities that made Banjo-Kazooie different to other platformers of it’s day, and it plays like a confused mess. Sorry, Rare, but once again you seem to have forgotten how to make games. Either you do a Banjo platformer, or you do Nuts & Bolts sans Banjo and Kazooie. What you’ve got here is a mishmash of illfitting game elements, in Banjo paint. You’ve alienated those …

Half-Life 2: Episode Two (360)

Gah, dammit. The perils of leaving games you don’t want to play yet in your console. I saw it there, on the 360 dashboard, and couldn’t help myself and started playing it. So far: very good. It’s different to both Half-Life 2 and Episode One, mainly because you’re not in or around the city. It’s also improved graphically a little too, especially character models. The HUD has had a few tweaks as well, and the flashlight and oxygen meters are …

Half-Life 2 (360): COMPLETED!

Well, I wasn’t expecting to complete it tonight, but the last two chapters were very short and so I did. Erm, hurrah! I won’t spoil it for anyone else who hasn’t played it yet, but the last few hours were mostly filled with huge battles with striders and gunships, and hordes of baddies. Luckily, you’re accompanied by a team of other people for much of it, until you reach the Citadel, anyway. The end boss was a bit easy, although …

Half-Life 2 (360)

Now, you see, I bought The Orange Box for Portal. And nothing else. Although I did think that perhaps I’d like Team Fortress 2 a bit, as although not my usual sort of game, the unseriousness of it appealed. And so It Was Done, and The Game of Orange was Purchased, and Lo, Portal was Divine and Team Fortress 2 was Lovely. There was much rejoicing. And today, I was going to play TF2 a bit more, for I thought, …

Assorted 360 Demos (360)

I played through a bit pile of these today, so thought I’d bung them all into one post. Blacksite:Urgh. I don’t really like FPS games. I also don’t like squad-based shooters, and marines-vs-aliens shooters are, in my opinion, dull. So imagine my joy when I realised that Blacksite is a shad-based FPS with marines shooting aliens. I could barely contain my excitement. Colin McRae’s Dirt:Where I come from, “dirt” is a synonym for “poo”, so this game is basically called …